vendredi 17 novembre 2017

I'M SAWREE by B.B. Blaque : ARC review

I'm SawreeI'm Sawree by B.B. Blaque
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

WOW, just W.O.W....

I'm Sawree was exactly the book I needed! I've been curious about it since I saw a teaser that struck me a couple months ago, and it didn't disappoint.

It follows the life of Sawree, a young woman who is the only witness of the massacre of 9 people in a church in 82. (I'm a not going to say more as each additional info might be a potential spoiler... )

There are warnings in the blurb and you need heed them, because they are accurate and different from what we are used to. No hero, no romance and no HEA... How does that sound? It scared me....but I was so intrigued!!!

One week since I finished it and I'll still in awe of the author's writing and storytelling. It's what I call a masterpiece; as a psychological thriller, it had everything I love. The mystery, the wondering, the anticipation. The characters, particularly Sawree were incredibly portrayed, really complex.They kept me on my toes as the story dug into their lives. The psychological aspect was very interesting, and at times truly frightening.

Reading I'm Sawree is like riding a roller coaster that would never go downward. Always higher, faster, twisting and turning until the end, that sends you free falling. There were hints all along (and I'm pretty sure that if I reread, I'd find more of them), enough to keep me on edge and captivated, not enough to really give anything away, though.
The succession of short chapters, from 3 point of view gives the rhythm, definitely fast-paced; easy, I simply couldn't put it down, with the exception of a few short but essential breathers.
It pushed me (propelled me) out of my comfort zone, it was crazy, maddening, sometimes sickening. Challenging, it made me think and then think harder, trying to see how the pieces of the puzzle could fit together. And even if I (quite early) guessed some parts, I was very very far from the whole picture! And what picture it was! Be prepared to be shocked!

That book is the kind of gripping read that sucks you into the story, until bam, you're hit square in the face, and then boom, it's finished and you're left wondering what just happened...

Here are words that are going to stay with me forever:
“I told you long ago that I’d truly make you hate me . . . to hold those feelings until I gave you good reason . . . they’re coming, Sawree.”

*ARC generously provided by the author, B.B. BLAQUE, you keep amazing me! Thank you!!!

View all my reviews

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